Timesheets Overview
The Timesheets section is where you can manage time across all of your clients and candidates. Timesheets are a collaborative effort between the Candidates you schedule (and whom log and submit time), the clients you partner with (and whom may or may not approve timesheets), and of course your internal team. There is a lot that goes into timesheets so take some time to get familiar with how things work, and check out the articles linked below for more specifics:
The Timesheet Lifecycle
Manually Creating Timecards & Timesheets
Timesheet Settings (via Placements)
Note: Timesheets are also accessible by your clients, if you've invited them to your Client Portal. They will only be able to see timesheet data for the locations you have assigned them to
The Timesheet Lifecycle
Manually Creating Timecards & Timesheets
Timesheet Settings (via Placements)
Note: Timesheets are also accessible by your clients, if you've invited them to your Client Portal. They will only be able to see timesheet data for the locations you have assigned them to
Timesheets Overview Video
Updated on: 06/06/2024
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