Articles on: Client Portal

Enabling the New Schedule View in Your Client Portal

If you would prefer to hide the 'Orders' section in the Client Portal, and instead show a simplified view of 'Placements', you're in luck. Our new settings allow you to do just that! Just follow the steps below:

Scroll to the bottom of this article to watch a video walkthrough of these steps

Key Steps

Log into the recruiter console.

Click into the admin settings and navigate to the client portal section.

Enable the "Placements" option and give it a name (e.g., Schedule).

Optionally, enable the "Submit Order" button within the Placements section.

If desired, remove the Orders tab from the client portal.

Log out of the recruiter console and log back in as a client to view the updated client portal.

Clients will now see a Schedule tab instead of Orders, displaying all placements with relevant details like dates, start and end times, and status.

Clients can still submit orders through the simplified view.

Tips for Efficiency

Customize the name of the Placements tab to suit your terminology (e.g., Calendar, Shifts, Schedule).

Consider keeping both Orders and Placements tabs enabled if needed for a comprehensive view.

Video Walk Through of Steps

Updated on: 18/12/2024

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